Sunday, June 8, 2008


The word peace to me is the state of harmony or tranquility kept for some periods of time. It is the time when there is no hostility or aggression from anybody else. There is also inner peace, which is peace within one self.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Science Presentation: Centripetal

The organization of the presentation was done pretty well in my opinion. It built our knowledge from the fundamentals into the more math based and specific ones. What I didn't like about the presentation was that we forgot to look at the rubric when the teacher already told us to. I think this is pretty successful, because i've learnt quite a few things from the presentations. I hope we do something like this again in the future.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Children of Huang-Shi 黃石任務

This was a great movie in my opinion, because it gave me new knowledge I never had before. The movie was really deep, and the way the main character Hogg treated all the Chinese children as his own kin. This movie was especially touching, because Hogg was British, and he went into Nanking just to write papers. After a while, he arrived at an orphanage. At first he didn't like the place because the children were disrespectful to him, and he didn't know how to speak Chinese. But after a while, he started helping the orphanage out by mending things, such as the windows and the power generator. The kids started to get really close to him. He taught them English, and they also helped him improve his Chinese. After the Japanese got closer to where they were, he took the children and crossed a few hundred miles to go to a safer location where they can build a new orphanage. This movie was really touching, because he saved alot of children from the Japanese. He totally changed the lives of these kids. He died when they finally reached Huang-Shi. This made me realise that one man could really change the world. He changed the lives of many kids. He sacrificed his own life to save them from all the despair and doom. He is truly a great man.

Landmine Ad Campaign

When I was doing research for my video, I felt deeply saddened by the facts that I was reading and the pictures that I was looking for. Every time I saw a limbless child in one of the pictures, I couldn't help but think what their lives must be like. They've been out through so much suffering and misery. I never knew any human being could endure such pain. That was also the reason I based the theme on my ad on pictures of limbless children. I hoped that I communicated my idea effectively and efficiently, because I wanted people to feel what I felt when I first read the facts and saw the pictures.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Science Evaluation

1. Community Contributer
1.5 points: Usually when we were doing experiments or just regular problems, Justin or Max would ask me some questions, and I would try my best to help them out no matter how much I knew about the subject.

2. Active Learner
1.5 points: I gave myself a 1.5, because I am mostly paying attention in class. But, sometimes since it's the end of the day, I seem to daze out for a few minutes, and don't really feel motivated.

3. Effective Communicator
2 points: When I worked with Justin on the steely experiment, I effectively communicated with him, I gave him ideas, and corrected him where his ideas were wrong. I also gave him some of my ideas to think about while we were doing the experiment.

4. Critical Thinker/Problem Solver
2 points: Sometimes when Mr. Loken gives us some practice problems in class or for homework, I don't know how to do some of them. So, i'll look online or flip through some of the physics textbooks in the classroom to overcome my problems.

5. Person of High Character
1.5 points: I remembered I used my computer once or twice in class to go on facebook, but other than that, I think I've been a person of pretty high character. So, I think i've been a person of pretty high character.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4th 1643. He was a lot of things. English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and a philosopher. He was the one that came up with Newton's three laws of motion. His first law states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that an applied force on an object equals the rate of change in its momentum. Newton's third law states that for every action there is a equal reaction. It is also said that an apple fell from a tree and dropped on his head. That's what made him formulate his theory of gravitational force.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Landmine Awareness Ad.

During class today, we watched a land mine awareness ad on YouTube. Personally, I don't think this ad was done really well, because it's really fake. The people in the ad were obviously Americans, and the land mine was buried under a soccer field. According to my knowledge, the United States never had any land mines buried underneath it's soil. Also, what are the chances of a land mine blowing up now when it's in the middle of a soccer field? People most likely run around and practice on that field everyday. That's why I thought this ad was really fake. But, I like the idea behind the video. Because it shows that people are actually trying to make people aware that land mines are such a big issue in other parts of the world. This video really made me feel the terror of warfare, and how easy it is to get injured or killed.